Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute for Evaluation of Education Quality" (FIEEQ) is a subordinate organization of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Rosobrnadzor).

The preliminary focus of FIEEQ work is informational and analytical support of Rosobrnadzor activities; design and organisation of national and coordination of international studies of education quality, policy development and implementation support. The institute studies quality of regional and municipal education management systems to provide formative feedback to the local ministries and present the results of analysis in various conferences and forums.

FIEEQ organises and conducts international comparative studies of the educational quality in Russia in cooperation with OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement). Among them are PISA (Program for International Student Assessment); TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study); PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study); TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey); PIAAC (The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies).

FIEEQ presents the results of the analytical work to a wide range of stakeholders and interested actors, as policymakers, educators, school principals, teachers, parents and students and media representatives.

There are key projects FIEEQ is involved in course of the National Project of Education development:

  1. PISA for schools on a country level: in forthcoming years all 85 regions of Russia will get a report from a representative sample (read more about the project)
  2. Direct support to the low performing schools (500+): evaluation studies give a lot of information to support education that should be used to growing resilience of the regional educational systems. The institute promotes the best practices exchange, provides schools with efficiency-proven teaching technologies, organises supervision (read more about the project) (not available on English)

Other key projects

  1. National studies. The institute annually holds the All-Russian testing. Every year more than 6 million students sit the knowledge test, that gives comparable data all over the country (read more about the national quality studies) (not available on English)
  2. Improving educational management. The study is built on expertise of the data, provided by the regions. The framework of the study aims at the main sub-educational systems. Among them: objective evaluation; teacher development; low performers support; development of talents and interests and others (read more about the project) (not available on English).

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